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  • Activity Information

    Bisht Ji Homestay is a clean and sanitary stay is essential for every other tourist seeking comfort and good rest. The room is pleasant and lovely. Take advantage of the flexible empathy of a house while maintaining the calm and seclusion of a hotel. Renovated rooms with a stunning outlook.

  • Additional Information
    • Unmarried couples allowed
    • Bachelors allowed
    • Private parties or events Allowed
    • Smoking within the premises allowed
    • Alcohol consumption allowed within the property premises
    • Free parking available
    • WiFi/internet available
    • Outside food allowed
  • What to Expect

    Bisht Ji Homestay provides room service, parking, 24-hour check-in, and Wifi / Internet access for your convenience. The rooms are equipped with all of the necessary conveniences to guarantee a peaceful stay. If you want to have a relaxed holiday, plan ahead of time by selecting an accommodation choice.

  • Fine Prints
    • Prices may vary according to the seasons.
    • Family Pack includes meals.
  • The Homestay Provider

    ramesh bisht

    Language : English
    Activities I Offer

Bisht Ji Homestay

Pauri, Uttarakhand
β‚Ή1200 min.price
-0% group discount
Total Payable
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