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  • Activity Information

    Srishti Homestay is the ideal spot to stay when visiting Badrinath, Kedarnath, Chopta, and Tungnath. It is a low-cost hotel with modern amenities that is ideal for groups, corporations, families, and children.Srishti Homestay provides breathtaking views of high hills, dense forests of deodar trees, a tiny creek, and beautiful green meadows. The snow-capped Himalayan mountains are only a few feet away.

  • Additional Information
    • Unmarried couples allowed 
    • Bachelors allowed
    • Pets allowed 
    • Private parties or events Allowed 
    • Online Payment accepted at the property 
    • Smoking within the premises allowed
    • Alcohol consumption allowed within the property premises
    • Free parking
    • Outside food allowed
  • What to Expect

    Srishti Homestay and Cottage at Gopeshwar Chamoli offers a comfortable stay and an affordable leisure package for travellers visiting Badrinath, Kedarnath, Chopta, and Tungnath. This beautiful hill district of Uttarakhand is known for its numerous tourist destinations and religious sites. Gopeshwar is a special pilgrimage place where tourists and devotees stop to perform the Darshan of the Gopeshwar Shiva temple, which falls during Badrinath's journey to Kedarnath. The district is considered the pride of Uttarakhand and offers a unique view of nature.

  • Fine Prints
    • Prices may vary according to the seasons/availability.
  • Reviews (3)
    • Khanak

      • 2024-07-09 07:16:07
        • (5)

      Srishti Homestay is on the road to Badrinath.... Once in a while, you could fear that there won't be any excellent accommodations here, but believe me, out of all the rooms I slept in throughout my trip to Kedarnath, they were all so beautifully maintained, and even the uncle and aunty were so modest... I would love to see them again, and I have offered them to visit our state as well.

    • Gaurav

      • 2024-07-09 07:17:24
        • (5)

      Breakfast was excellent, with a fair selection.The accommodation and hotel amenities provide excellent value for money.Dinner was very wonderful, with a wide choice of foods.

    • parveen

      • 2024-07-09 07:19:20
        • (5)

      really pleasant man, really good service, and wonderful meal.

  • The Homestay Provider

    Srishti Homestay

    Chamoli and Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand
    Language : English
    Activities I Offer
    • Outdoor
    • Local Tour
    • History Tour
    • Activities for Kids
    • Rare Activities
    Srishti Homestay is the best spot to remain while visiting Badrinath, Kedarnath, Chopta and Tungnath, Rudranath, Ansuya Mata Temple, Gopinath Temple, and some more. It is the spending plan and least expensive lodging with all the advanced offices and appropriate for gatherings, corporates, families, and kids. Srishti Homestay offers views of steep hills, thick forests of deodar trees, a little stream, and lavish green glades. Hardly you will see the snow-clad Himalayan reaches. Our Property is basically 25 years Old in Gopeshwar Hotels. We hold a total of 22 rooms in our Lodge. Who doesn't has any desire to appreciate the best of their journey and the way to happiness is having an agreeable stay supplemented by a wide range of relaxation at a reasonable compensation package?

Srishti Homestay

Chamoli and Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand
  • 5.0 (3)
500 min.price
-0% group discount
Total Payable
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