In the midst of Banjh forest, away from hustle bustle, having only 3 houses nearby, this property is a perfect place to connect with nature and soul. Nature based activities like growing of organic Chamomile, damask rose, basil, turmeric, ginger and apiculture is undertaken in fields
Despite the property being in deep forest, amenities like attached English toilet and a Hindi one, fireplace etc. are available. The property has 2 rooms of 10 x 22' size with independent entries Trekking to hilltop Pinglinaag temple, Kaali Taal etc. are main attractions. Perfect place for meditation, yoga and for detoxification. Clean cold water from spring and village folks wearing pullovers throughout the year gives a different feeling. This property is at 6 minutes walking distance from road and has a nonstop bus connectivity from Delhi.
If required, village guide both male and female are available. Since the village is in vicinity of revered Pinglinaag temple, which find mention in Skand Puran, non veg food is not permitted at Home Stay. Visitors are requested to please maintain the sanctity of the village and their local customs.
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