Ramana's Spashram RiverMountain Ganga Beach Retreat" (also known as Spashram Retreat) in the Uttarakhand Himalaya is estate custodian Inder Jit Singh's quarter-century experiment in building best practises in quality eco-conscious tourism.
Spashram Retreat is a wholistic, holistic, and nature-driven experience that combines outdoor adventure and sustainable ecotourism with traditional yoga, Ayurveda, and wellness practises, as well as working with rural communities. A place to retreat and recover, providing something for everyone who enjoys nature, quiet, and the great outdoors.
The cottage bungalows include a verandah sit-out where you may enjoy a private bonfire (derived solely from dead driftwood) and private eating. Even though the ambiance and surroundings are untamed, attention to detail and quality have been prioritised. The building exemplifies traditional workmanship in stone and timber, highlighting the beauty of these components. Each accommodation has a river and mountain valley view, and some have a beach view, in addition to access to unique sky, river, and mountain vistas and natural noises, whether of water or birds.
Experience the lifestyle that makes the locals strong, healthy, and stress-free, and learn to "give up addictions," whether they be television, thumping music, or non-nutritious meals and drinks.
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