Narweker Farms, located near the beautiful location of Kihim Beach in Alibaug, is the ideal get-away destination for an ideal peaceful fun-filled holiday. With options ranging from a palatial bungalow to economy cottages, all are bordered by lush green lawns, mango plantations, and towering shaded foliage trees, creating a characteristic Coastal Wadi look that is pleasant to the eyes and leads to a remarkable enlivening experience. All on one enclosed piece of property of around 16 acres, boasting the perfection for an ideal holiday, for parties, get-togethers, corporate activities, short picnics, or simply to enjoy peace of mind, suitable for all age groups.
Plush Palatial Bungalow, 6500 sq ft fully marbled well maintained 4 BHK, plus 2000 sq ft living dining and indoor activity also Floating Terrace open to Skies n merging into Green Tree Tops Bungalow with circular Pool Plunge, Babeque Patio, Rain Dance with music, all Indoor Out Door games & Lush Green 1 lac sq ft Lawns all around We only accept one group booking at a time in the full 4 acres of manicured space to ensure your party's privacy.
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